Design Blog 1315 days ago
Mobile app growth: 5 ASO tips

However, just like many other things in life, it is the little things that can make a big difference. Luckily, you are just a few steps away from the expedition of your mobile app growth. Here are 5 essential ways that you can grow your app with App Store Optimization. “Change is inevitable, growth is optional” […]

Blog 1316 days ago
App marketing strategy: Nine methods every marketer must know

Understanding the many ways you can market your app is essential to developing your overall strategy. This results in a comprehensive understanding of how these methods can be combined for a successful app marketing strategy. This is true for all app marketers, regardless of app vertical, budget and target audience. This article covers the nine […]

Blog 1316 days ago
What are the best app marketing strategies?

What are the best app marketing strategies? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Answer by Julia Tokareva, Software Development Consultant at RubyGarage, on Quora: If you have built a mobile app, you already have faced the tough turf of competition. If you want to stand […]

Blog 1317 days ago
App marketing strategies that have changed the industry

The beginnings of the mobile app industry The advent of mobile apps started in the late ’90s as the first color phones started to make their way into the hands of consumers. During these days, it was a totally new experience for consumers to download apps right from the cellular network to their device. For mobile […]